জ্ঞান লাভ করা: Acquire knowledge; get instruction; learn a lesson; imbibe a knowledge.
Related Words
জ্ঞান পাওয়া  জ্ঞান লাভ করা  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Avail (oneself) of(সুযোগের স্বব্যবহার করা): I shall avail myself of the first trip to London tomorrow.
Dull at (অপ্টু/কাঁচা): He is dull at mathematics.
Entrust with (কোনো কিছু দ্বারা কাউকে বিশ্বাস করে): He entrusted me with the thing.
Good for, at (ভাল): This man is good for nothing. He is good at English.
Guess at (অনুমান করা): It is difficult to guess at the age of women.
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Gala day (বিশেষ দিন): The Eid–Ul-Fitr is a gala day for Muslims.
Moot point (অমীমাংসিত বিষয়): Dowry system is still a moot point in Bangladesh.
Rank and file (সাধারণ লোক): We should pay attention to the rank and file of the country.
To the point (সঠিক) - The boy answered the question to the point.
White elephant (অত্যন্ত ব্যয়সাপেক্ষ বিলাসিতা): At last the department proved to be a white elephant.